Popular tourist cities
Nha Trang Nha Trang
Everything about Nha Trang: what to do, what to see, sights, how to rent an apartment, shopping, renting a scooter, markets, shopping prices. Useful information.
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - The largest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people. Located near the border with Cambodia.
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Da Nang Da Nang
Da Lat Da Lat
Phan Thiet & Mui Ne Phan Thiet & Mui Ne
The second most popular resort in Vietnam. The main attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, about weather, what to do and what to see there.
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Nha Trang Nha Trang
Everything about Nha Trang: what to do, what to see, sights, how to rent an apartment, shopping, renting a scooter, markets, shopping prices. Useful information.
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - The largest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people. Located near the border with Cambodia.
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Da Nang Da Nang
Da Lat Da Lat
Phan Thiet & Mui Ne Phan Thiet & Mui Ne
The second most popular resort in Vietnam. The main attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, about weather, what to do and what to see there.
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Nha Trang Nha Trang
Everything about Nha Trang: what to do, what to see, sights, how to rent an apartment, shopping, renting a scooter, markets, shopping prices. Useful information.
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - The largest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people. Located near the border with Cambodia.
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Da Nang Da Nang
Da Lat Da Lat
Phan Thiet & Mui Ne Phan Thiet & Mui Ne
The second most popular resort in Vietnam. The main attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, about weather, what to do and what to see there.
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Nha Trang Nha Trang
Everything about Nha Trang: what to do, what to see, sights, how to rent an apartment, shopping, renting a scooter, markets, shopping prices. Useful information.
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - The largest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people. Located near the border with Cambodia.
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Da Nang Da Nang
Da Lat Da Lat
Phan Thiet & Mui Ne Phan Thiet & Mui Ne
The second most popular resort in Vietnam. The main attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, about weather, what to do and what to see there.
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Nha Trang Nha Trang
Everything about Nha Trang: what to do, what to see, sights, how to rent an apartment, shopping, renting a scooter, markets, shopping prices. Useful information.
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Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)
Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - The largest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people. Located near the border with Cambodia.
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Da Nang Da Nang
Da Lat Da Lat
Phan Thiet & Mui Ne Phan Thiet & Mui Ne
The second most popular resort in Vietnam. The main attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, about weather, what to do and what to see there.
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Nha Trang Restaurant. Food on the table
Restaurants Nha Trang allow you to fully enjoy the multiculturalism of this city. Due to the ...
Nha Trang. Bus #1
Nha Trang is a comparatively small town and it’s possible to get to most of its ...
Shopping on Market Place Before Lunar New Year
Today, we will tell you about Vietnamese Lunar New Year or Tet. We will explain why ...
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Many believe that the most fruity country is Thailand. However, this is not really true. Vietnam is one of ...
Vietnamese Fish Soup
As the largest city in Vietnam, Saigon is often overwhelming to newcomers. The hectic traffic and oppressive heat often ...
Airplane Take Off
Tan Son Nhat International Airport, founded in the 1930s, was also called Ho Chi Minh or Saigon Airport. The ...
Hi there! My name is Polina and I'm the author of this blog about Vietnam. I dance, teach pole dance and write about our travel. Sightseeings, traditions, culture and different cities.